
Attendance Policy

Regular school attendance is essential. Absences from class may result in serious disruption of a student’s education. The student and parent should avoid unnecessary absences. A student will be required to attend any assigned accelerated instruction program before or after school or during the summer if the student does not meet the passing standards on an applicable subject area state assessment. 

State law allows exemptions to the compulsory attendance requirements for the following activities and events, as long as the student makes up all work:

  • Religous Holy Days 

  • Required court appearances 

  • Activities related to obtaining U.S. citizenship 

  • Documented health-care appointments for the student or a child of the student 

  • Absences resulting from a serious or life-threatning illness or related treatment that makes a student's attendance infeasible, with certification by a physician 

  • For students in the conservatorship of the state

School employees must investigate and report violations of the compulsory attendance law. Parent notes or medical/dental notes will be required on all non-school related absences. Only three absences may be coded as excused by parent/legal guardian for any reason per semester. All medical/dental and parent notes will be submitted to the SAO upon return to campus, and prior to returning to class. A student absent without permission from school, any class, any required special program, or any required tutorial will be considered in violation of the compulsory attendance law and subject to disciplinary action.