Along the bottom edge of the Plainview Independent School District seal is the motto “Setting the Standard in Education.” More than a motto, this phrase sets both the goal and the expectation for everything that happens at the various campuses that comprise Plainview Independent School District. Setting the standard requires an ongoing commitment to evaluate and address changes that become necessary in order to provide the best possible environment for education.

This past spring, parents and members of the community were invited to team up with Plainview ISD educators to discuss the challenges faced at PISD and to offer solutions for these challenges. These committees identified the following as challenges that need to be addressed: loss of sense of community (need for schools and neighborhoods to work together), cell phones, substance abuse, fighting, classroom/campus disruptions, and lewd conduct.

Following a series of meetings, recommendations from this effort were presented to the Plainview ISD school board at the July 27th school board meeting. The following recommendations were approved by the school board and are now reflected in the updated student handbook.

  • Cell phones and smart watches will not be allowed on any elementary & intermediate campuses for students in grades 6 and below. (See page 52 in the Student Handbook & Code of Conduct for more on cell phones and other electronic devices and consequences for infractions.)
  • Students in grades 7-12 are expected to refrain from using their cell phones and smart watches at any time during the school day (including on-campus lunch and passing periods). (See page 52 in the Student Handbook & Code of Conduct for more on cell phones and other electronic devices and consequences for infractions.)
  • Update Consequence Guidelines for nicotine, CBD product, e-cigarette, or any other prohibited substance. (See page 72 in the Student Handbook & Code of Conduct for information and consequences related to prohibited substances.)
  • Retaliation against school employee or volunteer coupled with an offense in TEC 37.001 will result in the expulsion for students who intentionally, directly, or accidentally assault a staff member. (See page 46 in the Student Handbook/Code of Conduct for information related to fighting and retaliation.)
  • Students who prevent others from learning through disruptive behavior should be removed from the learning environment and consequences issues.
    • offense 1 - warning 
    • offense 2 - D-hall 
    • offense 3 - extended day 
    • offense 4 – Parent/Guardian will attend school ½ a day with the student or the student will serve 3 days OSS
  • Update the Discipline consequence guideline to include releasing or possessing intimate visual material.

Link to the Student Handbook/Code of Conduct: Documents | Plainview ISD

Setting the Standard in Education requires cooperation and commitment from students, student families, and members of the community joining with the ongoing efforts of Plainview ISD to provide the best possible educational environment.  Local Parent Teacher Organizations (PTO) provide valuable opportunities for families and community members to be involved with campus projects and learning. Meet the Teacher nights provide a time to become acquainted with school personnel and facilities. Ask about volunteer opportunities at the school. Together we can Set the Standard in Education.