student using computer


December 21, 2023
Plainview, TX - In the ongoing pursuit of Setting the Standard in Education, Plainview ISD is pleased to announce a change coming in January. As we now live and work in a digital world, it is important for education to move with the changes that students face currently and that they will face in the future. Students must be able to manage the ever-changing face of technology effectively and responsibly to be successful in both the academic and work environments of the future. It is this desire to help Plainview High School students meet the challenges of academic and vocational learning environments where they will need to have a mastery of technology in order to collaborate and communicate effectively with others that leads Plainview ISD to this next phase of education.
Beginning next semester, Plainview High Students will be issued a Chromebook and Chromebook charger for their use outside the classroom. In the past, Chromebooks for student use during class were kept in the classroom. At the end of class, students returned the Chromebooks to their charging station so that they would be available for the next class. On January 9th, Plainview High School will allow students to take the Chromebooks home to do homework, work on projects and complete assignments. Students will be responsible for bringing their Chromebook to school each day and for charging the Chromebook at home.
Students will be responsible for the Chromebook and for their use of the Chromebook in a way that promotes their educational goals. Their use of the Chromebook and any program on the Chromebook is expected to be for appropriate educational purposes. A full list of responsibilities and expectations will be sent home with students and can also be found on the Plainview ISD website and the Plainview ISD App.
To view the technology form in English and Spanish, please visit the following link: 