The Plainview Chamber of Commerce has given the 2025 Application for the Leadership Plainview Higher Education Award to your high school counselors. The applications are due to the Plainview Chamber of Commerce at 1906 West 5th Street no later than Monday, April 15, 2025 @ 5:00 P.M. See your counselor.
9 days ago, Robin Sweeney
The Community Foundation of West Texas has a universal scholarship application for students from the South Plains. The deadline to apply is March 15. Here is the link:
9 days ago, Robin Sweeney
The Lubbock chapter of the Hispanic Association of Women is offering a scholarship to a female graduating this year within a 60-mile radius of Lubbock and attending an accredited 2 or 4-year higher education institution. Details are available on Xello. The application must be submitted online at by 5 P.M. on March 7.
9 days ago, Robin Sweeney
There will be no HB1416 Remediation classes on Saturday, February 15th or Saturday, February 22nd due to February break. Saturday School sessions will resume on Saturday, March 1. Your students will be notified if they are to be in attendance.
9 days ago, Plainview High School
Please find below the links to the PowerPoints that PHS Counselors used for our Scheduling parent meetings. If you have any questions, please contact your PHS Counselor. English : Spanish:
10 days ago, Angie Gauntt
PHS will NOT have a late start on Friday, February 14th. Students need to be in 1st period at 8:05am. The next late start is on Friday, February 28th.
10 days ago, Plainview High School
1416 Accelerated EOC / STAAR Support Saturday, February 1 8am-noon PHS Cafeteria Enter through Door 8 Bring a Charged Chromebook
16 days ago, Plainview High School
Saturday School
PHS Late Start Friday, February 7, 2025 Students report to 1st Period class at 8:43am
16 days ago, Plainview High School
Thursday, February 13th “CTE EXPO & Title I” for Bulldog Class of 2029. PHS Cafeteria 5:30pm
17 days ago, Plainview High School
CTE Expo
Hey PHS Freshmen!! It is time to get your scheduling appointments made! You will only have this Thursday, Friday, or next Monday and Tuesday to get your schedule fixed for next year. You will not have a schedule without completing an appointment with your Counselor! You can scan the QR codes in our Google Classroom or click on your Counselor's link below to schedule your appointment. The parent listed in Skyward Family 1 or 2 must be the parent to accompany you to your appointment; Gauntt (A-D) - Martin (E-Le) - Sweeney (Li-Ra) - Morales (Re-Z) -
20 days ago, Angie Gauntt
We are proud to announce that our Teacher of the Month to close out the 1st semester at PHS goes to Band! Mr. Kelley Mr. Hernandez Dr. King Mr. Collins Mr. Walker Mr. Glass Mrs. Gonzales We are beyond thrilled of our “Band Bunch” and they are so deserving of this award! Their passion, dedication, and unwavering commitment to shaping young minds is so inspiring. They have created an environment where students not only learn, but thrive! Thank you for all the hard work and positive impact you make each day. PHS wishes Mr. Tim Kelley a Happy Retirement and BIG Congratulations to all of our students and band directors for their well-earned Division I rating first semester. Great Job Powerhouse of the Plains Marching Band!
20 days ago, Plainview High School
👗👔Prom Dress Code Reminder👔👗 As prom approaches, we would like to take this opportunity to remind students and parents of the event's dress code. Please be aware that prom is a formal occasion, and any students not adhering to the dress code will be denied entry without refund. If you are uncertain whether your attire complies with the dress code, please do not hesitate to reach out for clarification. Key Guidelines to Remember: ✨The shortest portion of a dress must be no shorter than mid-thigh. Any slits in the dress should not extend above mid-thigh. ✨Plunging necklines or visible side cleavage are prohibited. ✨Sheer or see-through materials in the aforementioned areas are not permitted. Thank you for your cooperation, and we look forward to celebrating a wonderful evening with all of you.
23 days ago, Plainview High School
1416 Accelerated EOC / STAAR Support Saturday, February 1 8am-noon PHS Cafeteria Enter through Door 8 Bring a Charged Chromebook
23 days ago, Plainview High School
Sat School
Parents of Juniors! Join us for the first planning meeting for prom 2025 on Monday, February 3, 5:30 pm in the PHS cafeteria.
24 days ago, Plainview High School
PHS Late Start Friday, January 31, 2025 Students report to 1st Period class at 8:43am
24 days ago, Plainview High School
Late Start
On January 28th, 2025, the Texas School Safety Center conducted an intruder detection audit at Plainview High School. The state auditor attempted to access the building through one of the 30 external doors but was unable to do so. The success of this audit highlights Plainview High School’s commitment to keeping our students safe. This is a daily, team effort, involving the dedication and cooperation of our faculty, staff, and administration.
26 days ago, Plainview High School
safety check
On Wednesday, January 29th, PHS students need to report to the location designated below at 8:05am. They need to bring fully charged chromebooks. Freshmen and Sophomores - English I/II Benchmarks in Assigned Classrooms Juniors - “MyACT" Account Setup in East Gym Seniors - “Spring Orientation” in Auditorium Normal classroom schedule will resume at 11:51 am.
26 days ago, Plainview High School
There are several scholarships in Xello that have local ties and due dates coming up anywhere from February 15th to March 31st. Students interested need to log in to Xello and look at the ones for which they might qualify to apply.
27 days ago, Robin Sweeney
Congratulations Plainview BPA! 14 students qualified for state competition.
29 days ago, Plainview High School
1416 Accelerated EOC / STAAR Support Saturday, January 25 8am-noon PHS Cafeteria Enter through Door 8 Bring a Charged Chromebook
about 1 month ago, Plainview High School