The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board introduces the TEXAS FIRST DIPLOMA! This opportunity enables high school students to graduate early with a Distinguished Level of Achievement AND receive a scholarship for college! Talk to your counselor to find out if this is the right path for you.
¡La Junta Coordinadora de Educación Superior de Texas presenta el DIPLOMA TEXAS FIRST! ¡Esta oportunidad permite a los estudiantes de preparatoria graduarse temprano con un Nivel Distinguido de Logro Y recibir una beca para la universidad! Hable con su consejero para saber si este es el camino correcto para usted.
Junior Parents!
If your child is interested in visiting Wayland Baptist on a college visit, permission slips are due tomorrow September 8th!
Todos los estudiantes del grado 11 que estén interesados en visitar la Universidad Wayland deberán firmar su formulario y entregarlo el 8 de septiembre a las 4:00 p.m. Gracias
September is National Suicide Prevention month. This month, Plainview ISD counselors will begin their Educational Series aimed at improving the lives of children everyday. We encourage you to stop by Board Room on September 19th for the opening topic!
Plainview ISD would like to inform the community about fictitious threats to Texas schools. If there is a credible threat, Plainview ISD will communicate with parents through our official mobile app and callout system.
The Plainview ISD School Health Advisory Committee is accepting applications to become a SHAC member. As a member, you will assists the district in ensuring that the values of our community are reflected in the district's health education program! Fill out the application to become a member! You can fill out the application right from your phone!
Link to application:
El Comité Asesor de Salud Escolar de Plainview ISD está aceptando solicitudes para convertirse en miembro de SHC. ¡Como miembro, ayudará al distrito a garantizar que los valores de nuestra comunidad se reflejen en el programa de educación para la salud del distrito! ¡Complete la solicitud para convertirse en miembro! Puedes llenar la aplicacion desde tu celular!
Enlace a la aplicación:
STAAR scores for your student are now available. To view scores, login to Skyward Family Access, select "District Links" in the top righthand corner, then select "Cambium Assessment". From here, you will be taken to the Student Portal where you can view state assessment results.
Plainview ISD Counselors is hosting a Family Educational Series. Each month, counselors will discuss a variety of topics with families. These sessions are free and are open to the public. Refer to our mobile app for dates and more information.
Plainview ISD invites community members to meet and greet Plainview ISD counselors and community organizations! This is a great opportunity to learn about the educational series they will be providing throughout the year. Stop by and say hello in the board room on Aug. 15!
Things to Remember:
-Friday Late Start begins tomorrow.
Tardy bells rings at 8:43.
-New district policy goes in effect beginning tomorrow.
-Doordash is not allowed.
-Escuela empieza a las 8:43 cada viernes.
-Reglas nuevas del districto comienzan mañana.
-No Doordash.
Student drop-off/pick-up is behind PHS off of Smythe. Please see the image of the map. Thank you!
El lugar para dejar y recoger los estudiantes se encuentra detrás de PHS en la calle Smythe. El frente es solo para personal. Solo estacione en el estacionamiento para visitantes y no en el carril rojo para emergencias.
PHS Class Schedule Pickup
Tuesday, August 8th
9:00-11:30 am
Recogida del horario de clases de PHS
martes, 8 de agosto
9:00-11:30 am
Plainview families, registration for elementary will be closed on August 1st and 2nd. Registration will open August 3rd. Please call your campus if you have any questions regarding registration.
PHS schedule pick-up is scheduled for August 8th from 9am - 11:30 a.m. We look forward to welcoming everyone back for the first day of school!
The application to become a member of the School Health Advisory Council is now available! If you are interested in becoming a member, please fill out the application and turn it in to your child's campus or drop it off at the Ash Program! The deadline to turn in the application is August 25th.
Link to application:
Plainview Girls Soccer is having an open field on Monday, July 31st from 6:30pm-8:30pm at the soccer field. This is open to all high school girls that are interested in playing soccer for the upcoming year. Students will also have the opportunity to meet the new coach!
See you Thursday!
Nos vemos el jueves!
The Plainview Hale County Health Department is hosting a FREE Back to School Immunization clinic! Reference the flyer for more information about the clinic!
If you are incoming Freshman make sure you jot down this event on your calendar! 🗓️ 👈
Plainview Families!
If your student is interested in attending the Volleyball Camp of Champions, please make sure to fill out the form attached in this post! Get your spot reserved so you are guaranteed a shirt by the last day of camp!
Link to sign up:[0]=AT0UPTVg5kklARtYYyNyyORISV6zUVsvriyJXgzUhzkQ__xg85cHcEQzhK0uZYzkjO_kvDvACClrNGUI-4gZSNQq00F1_PFlUgibpXa1mabNqssRUdXRQZN4p1A1mzNSNIoTxHXDd0Ftl0gxUF3aI_LAPwuyT1i9k0a-bLbeamyAFHYKhx7-I6DzGnhoPXJxfHlZV6b3-ovCUdH02pNOxv3NRpJZMN5aw9fH
PHS held their Honors Breakfast this morning to recognize the hard work and determination of 30 PHS seniors. We would like to thank Plainview ISD administrators, PHS Principal Mr. Brandt Reagan and the Board of Trustees for being present at the 2023 Honors Breakfast.