The Algebra 1 STAAR Test will be given on Thursday 4/25/2024 • Students taking this test must show up to school at regular time. • Those that are not taking the Algebra 1 STAAR EOC will report to campus in time for their 6th period at 12:40pm (Freshmen at 11:55am). • Campus will be closed to all visitors until 12:35pm.
Mañana, 23 de abril, Se administrará el examen de Historia. Estos estudiantes tendrán que presentarse a la hora regular. Tendremos una escuela cerrada hasta las 11:51. Los estudiantes del grado 9 llegarán a las 11:51 y estudiantes del grado 10, 11, y 12 que no tienen un examen, se reportarán a las 12:40.
The US History EOC STAAR Test will be given on Tuesday 4/23/2024
• Students taking this test must show up to school at regular time.
• Freshman will report to campus at 11:51 in time for their 6th period class.
• Upper classman that are not taking the US History EOC will report to campus in time for their 6th period at 12:40pm.
• Campus will be closed to all visitors until 11:51am.
Biology I EOC STAAR Test is Thursday, 4/18/2024
• Students taking the Biology EOC need to report to campus at regular time. Students that do not report to take their Biology EOC will be assigned Summer School.
• All Students that are not taking the Biology EOC need to report to campus at 12:35 for their 6th Period Class.
• Campus will be closed to all visitors until 12:35.
Don't forget! The Counselors Family Educational Series is today at 5:30 p.m. in the Plainview ISD Board Room. The topic discussed today is: Cooperation and Celebration
Eng 1 and 2 EOC STAAR Tests are Tuesday, 4/16/2024
All Students that are supposed to take those exams must take them or they will be assigned summer school.
Campus will be closed on testing days.
Testers will take lunch from 12:41-1:26 tomorrow.
Non-testers must report to campus by 1:25 for their 7th period
Dyslexia/ 504 Parent Meeting
Join us tonight from 6:00-7:30 at the PISD Boardroom.
See you there!
Don't forget! The Counselors Family Educational Series is today at 5:30 p.m. in the Plainview ISD Board Room. The topic discussed today is: Perseverance, GRIT, Resilience, and Test Anxiety
Attention Senior Parents:
Seniors have until Friday, March 8th at noon to let their PHS Counselor know which college, trade school or military branch they want appliquéd on the back of their graduation collars. Students must have an acceptance letter from their program of choice when they come see their Counselor.
Seniors, this is just a friendly reminder- local scholarship applications are due March 1, tomorrow by 4:30 p.m.. Thank you!
Estudiantes y padres del grado 12-esto es solo un recordatorio amistoso de que las solicitudes de becas locales se vencen el 1 de marzo, mañana a las 4:30 p.m. Gracias!
Administración de pruebas TELPAS comenzará el jueves y el proximo martes para nuestros estudiantes bilingües emergentes. ¡Buena suerte!
The second round of TELPAS testing will be this Thursday 2/29 and next Tuesday 03/05 for our PHS Emergent Bilingual students. Good Luck!
Calling all travelers (8th through 11th Grade)! Pack your bags we're going to Boston and New York in June 2025! Come to the info meeting on Tuesday, March 5, 2024 at 6:30pm to learn more. RSVP is mandatory --> RSVP here:
¡Llamando a todos los viajeros (8th a 11th grado)! ¡Haz las maletas, nos vamos a Boston y Nueva York en junio de 2025! Venga a la reunión informativa el martes 5 de marzo de 2024 a las 6:30 p.m. para obtener más información. RSVP es obligatorio --> RSVP aquí:
¡Recuerde que el día del examen ACT es el próximo martes!
¡Llega a tiempo! Las salas de pruebas estarán colocadas en el pasillo, así que conozca su sala de pruebas asignada y llegue rápidamente.
Duerma lo suficiente, tome un desayuno saludable, use ropa cómoda.
Remember that ACT testing day is coming up next Tuesday! Here are some tips for test day:
Be on time! Testing rooms will be posted in the hall so know your assigned testing room and get there quickly.
Get plenty of sleep, eat a healthy breakfast, wear comfortable clothing.
Bring FULLY CHARGED Chromebooks.
Remind your child why taking the ACT matters: it can help them get into college; it gives them information on careers they might enjoy; and their scores can lead to scholarship and financial aid opportunities.
Go to the ACT College and Career Planning page for more tips.
Our district is excited to give this opportunity to your student. Best of luck!
Recuérdele a su hijo por qué es importante tomar el ACT: puede ayudarlo a ingresar a la universidad; les da información sobre carreras que podrían disfrutar; Y sus puntajes pueden conducir a oportunidades de becas y ayuda financiera.
Vaya a la página de Planificación Universitaria y Profesional de ACT para obtener más consejos.
Nuestro distrito está emocionado de darle esta oportunidad a su estudiante. ¡Mucha suerte!
Don't forget! The Counselors Family Educational Series is today at 5:30 p.m. in the Plainview ISD Board Room. The topic discussed today is: Spreading Empathy, Anti-Violence, Family Violence, Child Abuse, and Dating Violence
The first round of TELPAS testing will begin Tuesday 02/20 and Thursday 02/22 for our PHS Emergent Bilibgual students. Good Luck!
La primera administración de pruebas TELPAS comenzará el martes y jueves para nuestros estudiantes bilingűes emergentes. ¡Buena suerte!
On Tuesday, February 27th, 11th grade students will take the ACT® test. This exciting opportunity gives our students a chance to measure their readiness for life after high school, whether they’re going to college or into the workforce.