El martes 27 de febrero, los estudiantes de 11th grado tomarán el examen ACT®. Esta emocionante oportunidad les da a nuestros estudiantes la oportunidad de medir su preparación para la vida después de la escuela secundaria, ya sea que vayan a la universidad o ingresen a la fuerza laboral.
11 months ago, Plainview High School
Juniors ACT 2/27/2024
Prom Update! Change in date and venue.
11 months ago, Plainview High School
Prom Info
Career and Technical Education Expo and Title I / IX Meeting Thursday, February 8th 6:00 – 7:30 PM PHS Cafeteria Expo de Educación Profesional y Técnica y Reunión de Título I / IX Jueves, 8 de febrero 18:00 – 19:30 Cafetería PHS
11 months ago, Plainview High School
CTE Expo & Title I / IX Meeting
Wednesday, January 31st Freshman and Sophomores will be taking an English 1 and 2 Benchmark. Juniors will be creating their ACT accounts. Seniors will be meeting in the auditorium. There will not be regular classes in the morning. All students must report to their assigned places at 8:05AM. Seniors will meet in the auditorium. Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors classroom assignments are posted in the hall. All students must bring their Chromebooks fully charged.
11 months ago, Plainview High School
January 31
PADRES DE ESTUDIANTES DEL GRADO 10 y 1: Reserva su cita con la consejera para aprobar el horario del próximo año! Los códigos QR están en Google Classroom de su estudiante. Por favor haga su cita usando el nombre de su estudiante. Estas citas son obligatorias y no tendrán un horario de otoño creado sin asistir.
12 months ago, Diana Rodriguez
PADRES DE ESTUDIANTES DEL GRADO 10 y 1: Reserva su cita con la consejera para aprobar el horario del próximo año! Los códigos QR están en Google Classroom de su estudiante. Por favor haga su cita usando el nombre de su estudiante. Estas citas son obligatorias y no tendrán un horario de otoño creado sin asistir.
12 months ago, Diana Rodriguez
PADRES DE ESTUDIANTES DEL GRADO 10 y 1: Reserva su cita con la consejera para aprobar el horario del próximo año! Los códigos QR están en Google Classroom de su estudiante. Por favor haga su cita usando el nombre de su estudiante. Estas citas son obligatorias y no tendrán un horario de otoño creado sin asistir.
12 months ago, Diana Rodriguez
Parents, It is time to begin making appointments with your child's counselors for next year's schedule. There are QR codes for each counselor, which can be found on the district website, social media, and in your student's Google Classroom. These appointments are mandatory in order to have a fall schedule created.
12 months ago, Diana Rodriguez
Don't forget! The Counselors Family Educational Series is today at 5:30 p.m. in the Plainview ISD Board Room. The topic discussed today is: Sex Trafficking, Warning Signs, and Online Safety
12 months ago, Plainview ISD
19 Plainview Business Professionals of America (BPA) students competed at the Area 4 Region 1 competition Saturday, January 13th at Frenship High School. All 19 qualified to compete at the state competition to be held in Corpus Christie February 28 - March 2. Also, 7 members received a torch award for their outstanding service and leadership in BPA and the community. Those students are Marian Dominguez, Jaya Brookins, Kayson Spann, Adystin Medina, Adriana Cardinal, Karis Lanning and Braelee Hernandez. Kyler Mahaney - 2nd place, Business Law and Ethics Dennis Barrios Adame - 2nd place, Legal Office Karis Lanning - 3rd place, Personal Financial Management Jaya Brookins - 2nd place, Fundamental Word Processing Samantha Greene - 1st place, Integrated Office Marian Dominguez - 2nd place, Fundamental Spreadsheet Adystin Medina - 2nd place, Basic Office Adriana Cardiel - 1st place, Basic Office Tyler Ennis - 1st place, Fundamental Spreadsheet Osbaldo Alvidrez - 4th place, Business Law and Ethics Yesinia Montoya - 2nd place, Advanced Office Diego Mendoza - 1st place, Advanced Spreadsheet Braelee Hernandez - 1st place, Payroll Accounting Ashley Sanchez - 1st place, Advanced Office Anna Sanchez - 4th place, Payroll Accounting Octavio Luna - 3rd place, Legal Office David Alonso - 3rd place, Banking and Finance Joel Flores - 2nd place, Banking and Finance Kayson Spann - 2nd place, Personal Financial Management
12 months ago, Plainview High School
PHS BPA Torch Award
Plainview ISD families: 🚨Due to the winter weather and hazardous driving conditions, Plainview ISD classes are canceled for Tuesday, January 9th. All schools and administrative offices will be closed. Your safety is important to us, so please avoid travel if possible and stay safe. Please continue to monitor our notification and callout system for the latest updates. 🚨 ----------------------------------- Familias de Plainview ISD: 🚨Debido al clima invernal y las condiciones peligrosas, las clases de Plainview ISD se cancelan el dia martes 9 de enero. Todas las escuelas y oficinas administrativas estarán cerradas. Su seguridad es importante para nosotros, así que evite viajar si es posible y manténgase seguro. Continúe monitoreando nuestro sistema de notificaciones y llamadas para obtener las últimas actualizaciones. 🚨
12 months ago, Plainview High School
Classes Cancelled
Don't forget! The Counselors Family Educational Series is today at 5:30 p.m. in the Plainview ISD Board Room. The topic discussed today is: Respect and Anti-Bullying
about 1 year ago, Plainview ISD
Plainview ISD Families: We invite you to join us for our Counselors Educational Series in the Board Room from 5:30 -7:00 p.m on December 12th! The topic discussed is: Bullying. We hope to see you there!
about 1 year ago, Plainview ISD
December Counselors' Flyer
Congratulations to the 2023-24 National Honor Society inductees!
about 1 year ago, Plainview High School
NHS 2023-24 Officers
NHS Senior Inductees
NHS Junior Inductees
NHS Sophomore Inductees
NHS 2023-24 Inductees
Don't forget! The Counselors Family Educational Series is today at 5:30 p.m. in the Plainview ISD Board Room. The topic discussed today is: Gratitude and Its Benefits
about 1 year ago, Plainview ISD
Este es un recordatorio, por favor entregue el formulario de PEP mañana el dia primero de noviembre. Deben entregar el formulario a su consejera. Gracias!
about 1 year ago, Diana Rodriguez
Just a reminder that PEP compacts are due tomorrow, November 1st, and will need to be turned in to your corresponding counselor. Thank you!
about 1 year ago, Diana Rodriguez
Seniors & parents: If you signed up for the college trip to WT, it is Friday, October 27th. The list is posted by the counselors office. Look for your name and bus. You will need to meet at the bus lane at 8:00 am and will leave at 8:15 a.m. Dress code will be enforced. Wear walking shoes and bring a bottle of water.
about 1 year ago, Diana Rodriguez
Student Council annual Veterans' Day Dinner Saturday, November 11th 5pm PHS Cafeteria 1501 Quincy - Park in west parking lot and enter cafeteria door (from Smythe) RSVP Rosanna.madrigal@plainviewisd.org or call High School office at 806-293-6005
about 1 year ago, Plainview High School
Veterans Day Dinner 11/11
about 1 year ago, Plainview High School
Order Your Yearbook Today!